Gestern habe ich mal wieder einen neuen Song mit in den Proberaum gebracht. Titel: „Guitar Goddess“. Den Songtext findet ihr weiter unten.

Unsere ersten Versuche in Corona-bedingter Duo-Besetzung (Gitarre, Schlagzeug) klangen auch schon recht vielversprechend. Trotzdem hakte es noch hier und da. Kein Wunder: Der Song war ja insbesondere für Jürgen komplett neu.
Trotzdem möchte ich hier schon mal was veröffentlichen. Wer weiß, wann wir das nächste Mal die Gelegenheit dazu haben. Die nächste Lockdown-Verschärfung scheint ja vor der Tür zu stehen. Am Anfang der Probe habe ich Jürgen „Guitar Goddess“ einmal komplett vorgespielt – ganz allein, nur mit Gitarre. Diesen „First Take“ gibt es hier nun zu hören. Natürlich noch unperfekt. Habt Nachsicht, Leute! Ich hatte das vorher auch noch nie laut gesungen. Zu Hause denke ich immer an die Nachbarn und bin daher zu gehemmt …
Guitar Goddess (Text + Musik: Roland Grimm)
She is a young woman
With a young fresh sound
She stands with two feet
On the vibrating ground
Of the rehearsal room
Nearby the band
And she holds a Fender Strat in her hand
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She hasn`t done so much more in her life
So far
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She got a bunch of pedals on the back seat
Of her car
She seems to be shy
Doesn`t talk so much
She speaks through the music
That brought her in touch
With those who accept her
As part of the band
When she holds a Fender Strat in her hand
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She hasn`t done so much more in her life
So far
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She got a bunch of pedals on the back seat
Of her car
She wasn´t the coolest
A Wallflower at school
She knew what she wanted
Ignored every fool
She practiced in secret
But in the end
Appeared with a divine Strat in her hand
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She hasn`t done so much more in her life
So far
She`s a Guitar Goddess
She plays the guitar
She got a bunch of pedals on the back seat
Of her car
She`s a Goddess, yeah!
She`s a Goddess, yeah!
She`s a Goddess, yeah!
She`s a Goddess
© 2021 Roland Grimm